Tag Archives: annual

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (12 of 12) ANSWER

TRUTH! Fewer women have to undergo additional studies with 3D mammography because we can separate overlapping tissue and improve the radiologist’s ability to see what is normal.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (11 of 12) ANSWER

TRUTH! 3D mammography is able to find more small, invasive breast cancers than 2D mammography.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (11 of 12)

3D mammography finds more breast cancers, at earlier, more treatable stages as compared to traditional 2D mammography.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (10 of 12) ANSWER

TRUTH! The earlier breast cancer is found, the more treatable and potentially curable. Do not let fear of a breast cancer diagnosis keep you from undergoing screening!

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (10 of 12)

Early stage breast cancer has a nearly 98% cure rate.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (9 of 12) ANSWER

MYTH! Most lumps and bumps you or your doctor find in your breast will turn out to be normal breast tissue or benign, noncancerous lumps. BUT any change in your breasts should prompt further evaluation! Depending on your age, the evaluation may include mammography, or breast ultrasound. A small percentage of women will have to undergo biopsy.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (9 of 12)

Most breast lumps found on clinical breast exams will need to undergo biopsy for diagnosis.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (8 of 12) ANSWER

Myth! There ARE disparities in race when it comes to breast  cancer. While Caucasian, non-Hispanic women are more likely to get breast cancer, breast cancer is often more deadly in African-American women.

Test Your Breast Health Knowledge: Myth or Truth? (8 of 12)

There are no racial differences in the risk for breast cancer.